Message from the Head of Mission
Dear citizens and clients, It is our pleasure to welcome you to the official website of the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Australia. On the website you will find the latest news about our beloved country, and you will be able to navigate your way around the latest economic and political developments, as well as the information about tourism, arts, archaeology, culture and naturally, as well as the updated news about the bilateral relations between Australia and Sudan. The relationship between Sudan and Australia is long-standing and counts at the first place on an active Sudanese community in Australia. The bilateral partnership between Sudan and Australia will continue to strengthen.
There are tremendous opportunities for Sudan and Australia to work together towards unlocking the huge potentials for mutual fruitful cooperation and partnership in the future in all domains. Currently, our two countries enjoy wide-ranging and ever-expanding ties across many spheres, including political bilateral consultations, education, cultural ties, Agriculture and Mining. We hope that within the realms of our website you will be able to see other interesting aspects related to our beloved country.
Our website will furnish all the necessarily information needed for visa applications for those who are planning to travel to Sudan in purpose of tourism, business or any other reason. Please feel free to leave your valuable comments for more optimizing. Glad to say that I and the Embassy staff would be delighted to offer you further assistance. Please browse our website for more information about the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in Canberra. If you have any questions or would like to speak with our staff regarding our services, we stand ready to assist you.
E-mail us at:
or call us at: +61261138010.
WhatsApp: +61430415895.
Wishing you all the best!
Ahmed Abdelatif
Charge’ d’Affairs a.i
Opening Ceremony of the Sudanese Embassy in Canberra